The inner critic and the spooked watcher

Echoing out from the Confines
(Working on a structure that gives life and meaning to all the abstraction. A sales pitch and motivational plan to oneself)
There has to be some form of course change said I. Battling out behind the lines, between the lines… but not being able to influence or change the lines.
There’s the helicopter view and the worm’s eye view and the in between view and the no view at all. So, it was quite simply, where to from here? In desperation the making of diagrams and mind maps and earthy sketches of different angles of approach.
Ok, so in this evolving landscape of Saltworks, I’m these days making an attempt to articulate more coherent and visible guidelines (mostly for my own use) as to how I can get to the guts of this project. Their intention is to carve out slightly more inventive pathways for the integration of cultural (my intention to delve into much more) and creative threads… building up to a dialogue that spans across the pages of the entire project. Through this process, I seek to pose questions to myself, simultaneously making my blog readers aware of how Saltworks is intended to become a flowing and tangible document of cultural and creative development … resonating with all who can hop onto the wavelength of the narrative.
The first bit: (for a new angle) Navigating Critique within Artistic Expression – brought abou by strongly detrimental blog comments
How can we delve into a meaningful critique within the tapestry of creative endeavor? What guides one to that elusive plateau where critique becomes an intrinsic part of the creative discourse? Considerations extend to introspective critique, delving into the motivations and intentions that propel artistic pursuits.
As if the suchness. Making so many mimics resembling oaths or promises about truth. And I’ve listened too much to the silver tongue songs and scratchy notes from both friends, foes and the bastards in between. Who said what, where and why… and why should I care anyway?
So, first of all I’m going to have to look at what meaningful critique is before I can throw myself into how to implement it to/for myself. The main reason probably being, I’ve never really experienced it. I mean, either people read or view my stuff and say nothing, say it’s great or say it’s beyond anything they can understand or associate with (a heap of crap in other words). I have a need to mention here the area of somewhat appalling and downright offensive comments I’ve received on this blog. Initially this is a bit unsettling, until I reflect upon the shallow and aggressive nature, that is an indication of people with issues without relation to my own literary capabilities. So, I can’t say I’ve ever been the receiver of feedback that’s intended to provide insightful and specific suggestions for improvement, where I can use it as guide to help hone my skills and even expand upon this so-called artistic vision.
This could possibly be due to the fact that my stuff has been born upon the waves of my own stream of consciousness, where I have had the expectation that people naturally would be able to hop onto the the same train, identify with the same feelings and understand the often-double meaning behind my intentions.
So fine the idiotic balance between the things one does best and the other stuff that can be improved upon. Those tiny miracles once washed in with every tide, as the heavens became low and the horizon bent totally upon itself, too much taken for granted as I let loose without boundaries. No one to tell the truth like it was. The catalyst of how those others saw things was overlooked big time.
And thus, was born the introspection and upon this cataclysmic event one’s life was built. The dust barely settled, and the tunnel of time could be seen as this physical pathway on which to tread and make haste towards some utopian goal at the end.